Calling all EKNPLC patients! Every year, Emery-Keelesdale asks our patients for feedback so that we can continue improving our services. If you have 10 minutes to spare, please fill out our 2019/2020 Primary Care Patient Experience Survey: All your responses are very valuable to us. Thank you!

Details here: about-uscareer-opportunitiesjob-posting
Now Hiring! F/T Admin Assistant

Due to COVID-19, this program is POSTPONED until further notice! Stay home and stay safe! Healthy You is a FREE 12 week group program that is based on a holistic, non-dieting, Health At Every Size lifestyle approach to your wellness. This program is open to everyone — you do NOT have […]
Healthy You Wellness Program
Find out more here.
Space available in our free CBT program for anxiety and ...

Diabetes is preventable. We have a 3 week program teaching you how to take control. It’s free, open to everyone, and it starts on October 10th Please see the poster for details!
Workshop: Learn How To Prevent Diabetes

Update (as of 2021): We are no longer offering an onsite CBT program at our clinic, however our social worker may help refer you to the program if needed. Otherwise, please go directly to OntarioShores’ website (linked below) for information on how to access CBT and other programs. OntarioShores: […]
Depressed? Anxious? Year-Long CBT Program is Free

ConnectingOntario enables doctors and clinicians to share your medical information in a safe, secure digital format that will improve the care you receive. This means authorized members of your health care team have immediate access to your important personal health information including: Medical history Medication information Emergency department visits […]
ConnectingOntario: An Electronic Health Record For You
Get the FREE flu shot at Emery-Keesdale NP-Led Clinic The flu is a respiratory infection caused by a virus. It is contagious even before you show symptoms and for up to 7 days after you start to get sick. It is estimated that flu causes approximately 12,200 hospitalizations and 3,500 […]