What is OSP?
Ontario Structured Psychotherapy (OSP) is a free program that offers individual or group CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) and other evidence-based approaches to manage mild to moderate depression, anxiety, and anxiety-related conditions. CBT focuses on teaching you practical strategies and skills. It is short-term (a few weeks) and is structured similarly to a course. Learn more about CBT here.
- More details: https://cmha-yr.on.ca/get-support/osp/
- Adults (18+)
- Youths (15+)
Screening and Referral Process
EKNPLC’s social worker will screen you for eligibility and refer you to the program. Our social worker can also help connect you with other supports if OSP is not a good fit for you.
Contact us at:
- Phone: 647-476-1351
- Email: info@eknplc.ca
What can OSP help with?
- Depression and low mood
- Generalized anxiety and worry
- Unexpected panic attacks and agoraphobic fears
- Social anxiety and performance fears
- Specific fears
- Health anxiety
- Obsessive-compulsive concerns
- Other anxiety and stress-related problems
- Post-traumatic stress (PTSD)
What is OSP not suitable for?
The OSP program is only suitable for mild to moderate depression, anxiety, and anxiety-related problems. If you have severe symptoms, other severe concurrent conditions, or if you are looking mainly for medication treatments, OSP is not a fit for you. Please discuss other options with your healthcare provider.
Other Resources
- CMHA (Canadian Mental Health Association): https://cmha-yr.on.ca/
- CAMH (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health): https://www.camh.ca/
- BounceBack: https://bouncebackontario.ca/
- Provincial Programs and Resources: https://www.ontariohealth.ca/provincial-programs-and-resources